Saturday, November 8, 2008

Trying To Be A Godly GrandDad!

We were excited in the summer of 1992 to find out that we were to be grandparents for the first time in a few months. And when my wife and I attended a workshop a few days later, we were drawn to a class on grandparenting conducted by Stafford North and his wife. One of the things the North's challenge us to do in that class was to come up with some idea that would be a way to demonstrate to our grandkids how much we valued them.

As a result of that brainstorming session, I came up with a plan that I have been practicing now for nearly 16 years. My grandson was born on 14 January in 93. On the 14th of each month, he receives a card from me telling him how much he is loved, and picturing for himself a special feature I see for him. I also enclose a five dollar bill that is to be put into his mission fund, so that when he is 16 he will be able to go on a mission trip with me to the Caribbean.

I now have four grandchildren, and each of them receives a card each month on the date of their birth. I create the cards on the computer these days, so there is a personal touch even to the cards. I don't how much the cards mean to the kids, but it helps me express my deep love for them and I have a sense of connection that I might not otherwise have through these efforts. And next summer my first grandson will be old enough to take his first trip to Dominica with me!

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Unknown said...

A marvelous gesture. I wish I could bend time like you do.

Your Other Mom said...

WOW...that's so cool, Ralph. I will have to remember that when Amanda--MANY years from now--tells me I am to be a grandparent.

Thanks for the inspiration.

Family Fun and Faith said...

Nothing is better than being granddad, at least nothing I have found yet.