Friday, January 22, 2010

Bearing Burdens

I got an email late last night from a long time friend. She had had a day of car trouble. She has also had a hard time finding a job, not to mention a life with health and family issues that seem to plague her. I read the message before I went to bed, but could not think how to reply, so I went to bed to sleep on it. Below is what I wrote to her this morning.

I hope all is better today. Car troubles are a pain in the back side, but usually we can figure out how to deal with them in a relatively short period of time. Some of the other things in life are a lot more difficult to deal with in a way that really fixes the problem. They mostly demand that we take another step today, even if we don't feel like making the effort. Prayer and trust are key elements of coping, but they are often laid by the side of the road so we can carry the load on our own shoulders. Wouldn't we be a lot wiser, and a lot more blessed, if we did it the other way around--lay the burdens down and proceed in prayer and trust?

That's all I've got today, hope it helps a bit!

I love you.

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