Saturday, January 30, 2010

Screwtape on Stage!!!!!!

I am not sure I can put into words how impressed I was this afternoon at the stage presentation of Screwtape Letters. Max McLean portrays the demonic Screwtape in this adaptation of the book by C.S. Lewis. The only other character in the play was Karen Wight, who played Toadpipe, a scribe/servant/minion of Screwtape. She never said a word, only made some horrid noises and displayed some repulsive poses, but she was vital to the impact of the play.

McLean was the writer as well as the star of the show, and his work was excellent. He really projected the cunning of the Devil and the passion for his job. And the use of Toadpipe to exhibit his ideas was exceptional. Of course the material he was working from is classic, but the adaptation was first rate. There was very little need to modernize the basic ideas of the book; the truths are still very vivid, even nearly 70 years since they were first penned.

The show was only in Houston for the weekend, and all the seats were sold in a very short time. I am very glad I got to see the production. It will be in Austin next weekend, If you are in that area, go and see it!

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Malcolm R. Campbell said...

Probably won't be coming to Jackson County, GA, will it? Sounds like a great evening, though. Nice to see a great adaptation.


hifidel said...

Sounds like it was lots of fun! I have been reading a blog posts from different people who said they would attend. Nice to know it went well.

Family Fun and Faith said...

SS, it looks like the closest to you was Chatanooga last November. But Houston was not on the original list that is online. I will check the newsletter I received yesterday when I get home and see if there is anyplace nearby in the future.

Hifi, you would have loved this presentation. I believe I could see it half a dozen more times and find some new impact each time!