Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I have been blessed over the years to have had some great teachers, from Mrs. Morrow in kindergarten to Dr. Willis in grad school. But I believe that my best teacher, by far, is Experience.

Experience is the most persistent of teachers, always providing opportunities to learn and advance my understanding. S/He lets me know there are things I can do and must do. S/He has shown me that there are things that I cannot do and need to depend on others. Experience teaches me dangerous things to avoid, as well as beautiful things to pursue and embrace.

Experience has helped me get jobs and taken me to exotic places. S/He has given me confidence that I could accomplish and achieve. S/He has brought me disappointment when I did not reach a goal, but also brought great satisfaction when a job has been done.

Experience has introduced to a vast number of people. S/He has brought me into contact with people that are the greatest joy in life, and taught me to love them. Experience also has taught me that there are some folks with whom I will have no positive interaction. Experience has taught me how to endure them, at times even honor them.

Experience has helped me realize a lot about life and how to handle the ups and downs. Through Experience, I know that when I am having a mountaintop moment, it will not be long till I have to go back down into the valley to continue my journey.
And when life has dealt me a severe blow, Experience reminds me that it is another hurdle to be overcome, but that the sun is still shining behind the clouds.

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Unknown said...

When I absolutely refused to learn from Experience, they always brought in a substitute teacher. Mr. Humiliation really helped improve my memory.

Ethan722 said...

The tough thing about experience as a teacher is that while the teaching is done in a relatively memorable manner you rarely know when the next test is going to be so the only thing to do is work on being ready all the time - tough isn't necessarily a bad thing.

In case you were wondering this is Ethan from writingup

Anonymous said...

Experience has been my best teacher. too. S/He's even been willing to offer repeat lessons for those topics that seem hard for me to grasp.

Family Fun and Faith said...

Pinhole, I have had occasion to meet Mr Humiliation too! I prefer others to him.

Ethan, I think being ready is the right motive but it took experience to realize it! I have often thought of you and the fun we had at writing up. I am glad to hear from you!

Beth, Some of us are slow learners aren't we?