Wednesday, April 9, 2008

More Than Conquerors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In going through Mom’s things after her death, Dad found a little thought jotted on a piece of yellowing paper tucked away in her Bible. It said, “Do the most. Say the best. Leave the rest.” No doubt she had heard that in a sermon or a Bible class lesson ad thought it worth preserving. Not only that, but I think she must have thought it worth living.

My mother was like anyone else, human, with her weaknesses, but her faith was strong in difficulty. And she seemed to have a handle on her eternal destination. It occurs to me that she was on God’s side. Some people try to get God on their side through their actions. Their worship, their offerings and their prayers are aimed at securing Divine approval. But that will not work.

On the other hand, a man on God’s side can’t lose. He may have some failures or be overcome in the battle with disease or other struggles, but each o these contribute to the ultimate success and sweetness of the final victory.

Satan appeared to have won at Calvary. But then the resurrection came and God resoundingly turned Satan’s worst to a glorious triumph for both himself and man. Redemption was made possible for those who would align themselves the plumb line of the Testament of Christ. That’s what Mom did and she taught some very vivid lessons of faith and courage in her fight with cancer. I hope they are truly learned.

Thank goodness that, “in all things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.”

(originally written in November, 1983)

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Anonymous said...

“Do the most. Say the best. Leave the rest.”

I love that. I don't always live it, but I love it nonetheless. I've written this one down -- often the most profound thoughts are the simplest.

Family Fun and Faith said...

I have found that the longer and more drawn out an idea is, the less I am drawn to it. I came from non-expressive folks, at least little verbiage from either mom or dad.