Friday, December 12, 2008

I Now Shop Online!

As I was doing my Christmas shopping I was struck by the fact that only a few years ago I would not do buying online because of my fears of being ripped off. But now I seldom go to a mall, or even to a discount store. I shop almost exclusively over the Internet from my easy chair.

I began trying it out by ordering some little item, like a blender. I enjoyed the successful transactions and the ease of shopping online. I grew more confident. I then tried bigger items like Kitchen appliances. There are so many options and so much control over the purchases that I can hardly imagine going back to the old way.

Right now I am investigating the benefits of tankless water heaters. I am intrigued about the possible energy savings that seem to be available through the use of such a device!

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1 comment:

WaiWela said...

A very easy online store for buying and researching tankless water heaters is