Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fund Raising Online!

With the economy in such different straits it is going to be tougher for those trying to do good deeds to raise funds to get those good deeds done. For instance, our church teen mission trip budget for this summer is half what it was just last year.

When that was announced, the teens began to scramble for ways to raise the money they will need to make the trip. Since most of them have pages on the social network sites on the Internet, they can arrange with Shop2Fund to assist their fundraising efforts. Then their contacts on those sites can go to their favorite online shopping sites to make purchases they need. Commissions that are raised are paid to the user’s paypal account, at a ratio of 80% for the user and 20% for shop2Fund. Signing up is easy!

Here is hoping that this will allow our group to get a good work done this summer.

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